Asking for help is hard, being here is the first step.

Little by little, one travels far.

- J.R.R Tolkien.

West Yorkshire Counselling Services.

What is counselling anyway?

  • Katie Newboult MBACP

    Sometimes things happen in life that are really difficult to process, it can feel like there is too much on your plate and you can feel overwhelmed, it can feel like you are struggling to cope, it can feel like in a house full of people you are alone with your difficulties. The fear of judgement can often stop us from talking to friends and family about the way we are feeling.

    Speaking to an experienced professional who is able to offer a safe space to find a way forward can be really helpful when it comes to learning how best to support yourself through challenging times.

    I believe that counselling is about offering a safe and confidential space for you to explore your challenges in a way that is free from judgement and allows you to untangle the situation and make it clearer and more manageable.

    Having someone walking alongside you as you travel down a difficult path can give us the courage and help us feel more able to manage any forks, turns or threats on the road ahead.

Reviews from previous clients.

“I feel much more relaxed, more organised in managing my emotions, time and work, I feel more comfortable dealing with people.”

– JD.

'I had counselling with Katie for just over a year for anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and trauma. Katie is non-judgemental, really easy to talk to and has a good understanding of trauma - she also has a great sense of humour, which I value massively! Through our sessions I was able to explore difficult emotions and talk about traumatic experiences I've had in my life. Talking about this has helped me understand some of the reasons behind my behaviours. Ultimately, counselling has helped me understand myself a bit better! Thank you Katie.' 


“It was really hard to ask for help but I’m so glad that I did, I feel so much better having had the time to explore things and work things out.”